大家好,我是肯尼。 我希望透過這個網站分享見聞。我會嘗試用中文跟英文寫作,因為發現自己在不同的時候習慣用不同的語言思考及表達。雖然人生目前為止,不論中英文寫作從來都不是很好。但希望透過這個網站的寫作過程中,可以逐步看到自己表達能力的提升。

因家裡有兩個女兒,故對教養議題產生興趣。因身在台灣,對台灣社會也比較關心。 因自身能力頗有不足,故希望持續自我提升。

我是七年級生,在台灣出生長大。小學曾經住過美國三年。國中畢業後去香港念三年高中。大學及研究所都在美國。也在台當過一年十個月的空軍兵。研究所畢業後在紐約一家四大會計師事務所工作幾年後,於2015年回台。曾任職投信研究助理及人壽公司內部稽核。中英文都算流利,日文也會一些。 興趣是閱讀、看美劇電影、旅行跟美食。


Hi, I’m Kenny Fu and I’m from Taiwan.

This is my personal website.  I created this blog as a place to force myself to sort my thoughts out and record the events happening in my life.  Through this website, I also aim to share everything I know/learned/observed.  My favorite topics are Parenting, self improvement, and anything Taiwan related.

You will find that, on this website, I write in both Chinese and English.  I do not view myself as a good writer, in any sense.  Both in Chinese and English, I have never been praised by anyone or scored high on my essays and writings in school.  Growing up, I have never been particularly fond of writing for the purpose of expressing myself.  However, nowadays, I find that writing things out help to sort and clear my mind.  Personally, I hope to see continuing improvement in my thought process and in my writing along the way.

I was born and raised in Taiwan. Growing up, I lived in the U.S. for 3 years when I was in elementary school, and later moved to Hong Kong for 3 years while in High School.  I graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in Economics.  After receiving a graduate degree in Accounting from St. John’s University, I worked for a Big Four accounting firm as an external auditor for several years in New York City.  I moved back to Taiwan in 2015.

I speak Mandarin and English, and a bit of Japanese.  I love to read, watch American TV and Movies, and Travel & Food.